
Jerry & Barb Trimble (Pictured: Jerry & Barb Trimble) The Power of Prayer, Inc is an established, 50 years plus 501C3 non-profit organization that’s sole purpose is to promote prayer. It was founded by Jerry Trimble and his wife Barb. Jerry was 43 years old, married with 10 children, when on December 8th, 1969, the Lord suddenly requested he devote the rest of his life to Him and His Blessed Mother. From that moment on, trusting completely in God and His promise to provide, he immediately started to increase awareness of prayer, Jesus, and The Blessed Mother in small ways. Eventually Jerry gave up his very successful sales manager job and started The Power of Prayer, Inc. It was officially incorporated on the Feast of St. Martha, July 29, 1970.

The Power of Prayer grew to include Eucharistic Adoration Chapels in several locations, a continuation of The Pilgrim Virgin programs in several locations where a statue of Mary is taken to a home for a week and a rosary is recited every night and then taken to another home for the same process. Also including the molding of cement statues of Mary for public display in yards, several public rosary processions in many locations, and the First Saturday Devotions in Chicago for several years.

Ever since Jerry’s passing in 2003, The Power of Prayer remained intact due to the devotion, love and support of many, especially the following people who followed their own divine inspirations to agree to be president of the prayer organization over the years.

Bill & Rita McDonough Colleen Pasnik Mark Hoeger
Bill and Rita McDonough Colleen Pasnik Mark Hoeger

The Adoration Chapel

The Adoration Chapel On the Feast of St. James, July 25, 1978, Archbishop James J. Byrne blessed the chapel where Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was begun the following day. The first chapel was in the former Chancery of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, located at the corner of 11th & Bluff St. In 1983 the chapel moved to the corner of 17th & Heeb St. On September 8, 2011 (the Blessed Mother's Birthday) the chapel was moved to its present location at 1860 St. Ambrose St.

The Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Statue

Pilgrim Virgin Statue On October 2, 1971, the Pilgrim Virgin Statue was brought to Dubuque under the sponsorship of the Rosary Society of Nativity Parish, Dubuque. The first family to host the Pilgrim Virgin was Paul & Betty Frommelt. Betty was the outgoing President of the Nativity Rosary Society. Archbishop James J. Byrne was pleased to witness the beginning of this devotion within the Archdiocese of Dubuque and called upon all to join in furthering devotion to Our Lady. "Very fittingly, it is through the efforts of individual lay members of the Church in Dubuque that the Pilgrim Virgin is to draw more people to her Son. It is my prayer that the people of God in the area will open their hearts and their homes to the Pilgrim Virgin and thereby be richly blessed."

SEE the Pilgrim Virgin Statue

Eucharistic Adoration Icon



Our Chapel


